As the main gateway to Sumatra, Lampung has long served pretty well with its Bakauheni Harbor. Citizens from Java has gone back and forth so many times crossing with ferry service. Apparently, it's not enough. The province seems interested to lure beyond just transmigrants, but real tourists as well. And they did good. As young travelers from the capital has now take part in increasing the traffic, to visit this new pearl of Lampung called Pahawang.
As the main gateway to Sumatra, Lampung has long served pretty well with its Bakauheni Harbor. Citizens from Java has gone back and forth so many times crossing with ferry service. Apparently, it's not enough. The province seems interested to lure beyond just transmigrants, but real tourists as well. And they did good. As young travelers from the capital has now take part in increasing the traffic, to visit this new pearl of Lampung called Pahawang.
Bangkok is bad news, they said. The traffic, the nightlife, the money you would probably waste for shopping malls and souvenir markets, indeed, are bad news. But then when you arrive at Don Muang, you go up north instead crawl down south, and decide to stay at your friend's dorm on the university complex, you'll have a whole different set of story. And less of a "bad news".